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Dafferns Wealth

Work-Life Balance

Is a work-life balance a dealbreaker?

Striking the right balance between work and other aspects of your life, such as family responsibilities and hobbies and pastimes, can be very hard. But that doesn’t mean people won’t take serious measures to make it happen. According to a study by Travel Counsellors, half of working people in the UK expect to leave their …

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What are we spending our money on

What are we spending our money on?

Every year, we spend our hard-earned money on all sorts of essentials and non-essentials, from food and utility bills to holidays and evenings out. So it’s interesting to observe how much people prioritise what might be termed discretionary purchases even when the economy is going through tough times and money is tight. According to data …

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Family Savings Advice

Savers are missing out on free money

What do you do with your monthly earnings when they land? Do you leave all the money sitting in your current account? Or do you invest some elsewhere, so you can make your money work hard for you and maximise your returns? Well, a new survey by the Building Societies Association (BSA) reveals that many …

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Private Healthcare

More people in work using private healthcare

It goes without saying that the NHS does an amazing job, thanks to its incredibly talented and dedicated professionals. But it’s far from controversial to say that the health service is under massive strain – and has been for some time. In fact, the NHS backlog recently hit a new record high, with the number …

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