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Dafferns Wealth

Work-Life Balance

Is a work-life balance a dealbreaker?

Striking the right balance between work and other aspects of your life, such as family responsibilities and hobbies and pastimes, can be very hard. But that doesn’t mean people won’t take serious measures to make it happen. According to a study by Travel Counsellors, half of working people in the UK expect to leave their …

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What are we spending our money on

What are we spending our money on?

Every year, we spend our hard-earned money on all sorts of essentials and non-essentials, from food and utility bills to holidays and evenings out. So it’s interesting to observe how much people prioritise what might be termed discretionary purchases even when the economy is going through tough times and money is tight. According to data …

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Why Loyalty Doesnt Always Pay

Why loyalty doesn’t always pay

When you sign up for a service or subscription, such as an insurance policy or broadband contract, it’s easy not to give it another thought and just get on with your day-to-day life. But loyalty to a particular company or provider often isn’t rewarded, and blindly sticking with the same deal for years on end …

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Does Optimism Really Matter

Does ‘Optimism’ Really Matter?

If your glass is by nature half-empty, you didn’t need to look far for confirmatory information last month. Energy bills were going up – and are set to rise even further in October. Inflation was up again – with grocery inflation hitting its highest level for 13 years, And, of course, the National Insurance rises …

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Mobile office

Do We All Want to Give Up Work for a Year?

We don’t want to sit behind screens anymore. According to a recent BBC article, ever-increasing numbers of us have reassessed our work and our lives post pandemic, and we want to work outside.  Quoted in the article David Rochefort, a former IT worker, said the pandemic made him want to do something ‘astronomically different.’ “My …

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Richest Women

The Richest Women in the World

The newspapers are constantly full of stories about the ‘richest men in the world.’ We are all familiar with some of the historical names on the list such as John D Rockefeller and Henry Ford, and today the title is being disputed by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, depending on the respective share prices of …

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Ethical Spending

How to spend more ethically

The feeling of doing something that might help to make the world a better place is profoundly satisfying. And in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, a disaster which has heightened existing inequalities and accelerated poverty across the world, the time is right for all of us to find ways we can live more ethically.  …

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