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Dafferns Wealth

Why File Your Tax Returns Early

Why File Your Tax Returns Early?

Filing your accounts early doesn’t mean you have to pay your tax early. It just means you know how much you will need to pay, and that offers a number of advantages. Here are some compelling reasons why it might be a beneficial move: 1. Improved Financial Planning and Analysis Filing early provides more time …

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Is the UK stock market in crisis

Is the UK stock market in crisis?

Cambridge-based tech company Raspberry Pi recently confirmed that it plans to list on the London stock market, which could see it valued at around £500 million. We’ve also seen reports that Chinese fast fashion brand Shein is considering floating on the London Stock Exchange instead of New York, following issues with US lawmakers. That’s great …

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Market Commentary June 2024

Market Commentary June 2024

Introduction The global financial markets continue to grapple with a complex mix of geopolitical tensions, inflationary pressures, and evolving central bank policies. The past year has seen significant shifts in market dynamics, with varying impacts across different regions. This commentary provides an overview of the key factors influencing financial markets in the UK, Europe, the …

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